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Ethical Case Analysis Report

Ethical Case Analysis Report

Q Why Team Work and What Is It? Team work, often with colleagues distributed across the globe, is a common feature in today’s business and professional communication. As much as we may like, we do not have the luxury of choosing our colleagues or customers and sometimes even business partners. Therefore, developing appropriate skills to work with others is a must to thrive in contemporary business and/or workplace. This assignment will give you an opportunity to work with your peers, who are randomly put together in your group (by Canvas). Find out your team members (by clicking on this group assignment), research more about them (esp. from Discussion forum posts), and contact them via Canvas inbox or email. From that point on, you can use the same medium or any other medium agreeable to the team to communicate with one another and collaborate on your project. This assignment involves two parts. First, you should all quickly skim chapters in Case Studies in Organizational Communication: Ethical Perspectives and Practices Links to an external site.(requires CSUN log-in credential). Next, choose one or two case studies/chapters for deep reading and analysis as a group. While making your selection, consider how or whether the issue or the problem persists today in some form, so you can further research the issue and come to an up-to-date understanding of the problem (very important). Next, research a more recent case involving the same or similar issue (in the same or related industry/sector) in the US or abroad and prepare a report with appropriate recommendations. The second step of research and report will be the second part of the group assignment (not to be done here in this memo, so you can forget it for now). Here is how you will go about the assignment: Step I: Get in touch with your group, select a case study for serious analysis/consideration in the book Case Studies in Organizational Communication Links to an external site. and potential areas for your research. Next, carry out preliminary research on the current status of the issue/problem and decide on a topic for your report. Share your chosen case study and topic on the Discussion Forum with the class. If another group has already claimed it, you will have to go to your Plan B (another case study/topic). Meanwhile, decide on a plan to complete this assignment in such a way that everyone does a fair share of work for this project. Keep notes like the professionals do. Step II: Compose a memo discussing your plan of action and rationale for the report. In particular, discuss what case study inspired you to research your topic for the report, especially focusing on what aspect of the case intrigued/interested/fascinated/challenged you, what particular aspect of the issue is important today and how you want to explore the issue further. Do not spend too much time discussing every detail of that case; choose the most salient aspect of the case and move on to how or why it is still an important issue today, and why you have chosen the particular topic for further research (yes, it will take time to research and discuss various options in the group before you can settle on one). As you explore the ethical issue, do not forget to discuss whether you will be researching the same industry or a different one for the report and how this issue applies to that sector. The next section of the memo should focus on how you plan on completing the report that is due next. In short, this memo should i) discuss what topic you chose and why (including a reference to the particular case study from the book consulted in step one above, ii) outline what you have accomplished so far (including three credible sources/references consulted), and how you plan on completing the report (including how each member is going to contribute to each part of the report). It will take longer to do all this than you realize, so start early. Requirements: 500 words polished prose, formal tone, standard memo format (your group to me, single-spaced, clear and concise). List sources using APA or MLA (must be consistent, can't change one to another in the same document) [Step III: Complete research and draft your report, explained separately, but keep in mind that the requirements include credible sources that you need to find during the memo phase in order to be able to discuss your planning more authentically.] Upload your plan of action/status memo here for the group. Yes, only one person should post it for the team, but make sure it is done in time. You will submit your report later, separately.

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